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15-Mar  Ridgeway West

15-Mar  TP100 Recce

29-Mar  NDW Part II

5-Apr    Malvern Mini Marathon

12-Apr  Vanguard Way

13-Apr  nohtaraM ehT

17-Apr  Box Hill Midnight Picnic

9-May   Welsh Coast (4 days)

10-May More Malvern Mini Mara

18-May nohtaraM negahnepoC

24-May Germany Weekender

On The Horizon..


Ridgeway West

Sat 15-Mar-2014

Covering the last 16 miles of the Ridgeway (western end) and back again, making for a 32 mile run.  Even on wet days, this part of the Ridgeway is almost entirely mud-free.

List Your Event

If you're planning a SocialUltra, get in contact through the "list my event" or post on Facebook


There's also help, tips and  suggested kit on the Resources page.

Tired of grinding out the solo long runs?

Can't persuade anyone from the local AC that 5 muddy hours in the hills is a good idea?


This is a free listing resource for people who want to meet up & run ultras, wherever and whenever they are.


Have an idea for a run? Put it up on the Facebook site and find a few new friends to run with.

What's a SocialUltra?






want to spend


​      £££ ?
Check through the EVENTS list and join in..
Organising ?


Use the LIST MY EVENT page..
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